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The national standard, Test Method for Static Air Leakage Rate of Iron Ore Sintering System (applied by CIE for preparation), was approved successfully

Recently, according to the information from the Standard Technology Management Division, State Administration for Market Regulation, the national standard, Test Method for Static Air Leakage Rate of the Iron Ore Sintering System (applied by CIE for preparation), was approved successfully This standard is the first attempt made by CIE in the domain of national methods and standards, and also the direction for the enterprise to make exploration into its future work with respect to the standard-setting.


The method of mass conservation will be adopted for testing the static air leakage rate of the iron ore sintering system. The static flow testing in the no-load and loaded circumstances, can solve the problems including non-uniform standards for testing the air leakage rate of a sintering system and difficulty in the testing process, so as to realize accurate testing of the air leakage rate of a sintering system and fill in the gap of national standards in this field.