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CIE signs a design contract of a receiving field in Shenzhen

In September, CIE signed a design contract of Xiaweiling refuse and clay residue receiving field in north side of Shenyun, Shengzhen with Shenzhen Environmental Sanitation Management Department.

The receiving field is located to the south of Liuxian road east section of Nanshan area in Shenzhen city, the land coverage is 633980.5㎡, the total capacity is about 10,000,000 cube. In accordance with the contract agreement, CIE will complete the work of feasibility study, preliminary design, construction drawing design, greening design, water and soil conservation design, Tanglangshan environmental garden planning and followup service etc. for Xiaweiling receiving field project, and the scheme design contains comprehensive utilization of building wastes and environmental garden land use and its auxiliary facilities (receiving and assimilating 800,000 cube of building wastes annually).