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Baosteel’s large sintering project has been put into operation

Baosteel’s super large sintering project designed by CIE and supplied with a complete set of equipment Baosteel’s No. 3 sintering machine project of overhaul modification has been put into operation on October 28, 2016, which ribbon cutting ceremony was presented by He Guoqiang, General Manager of CIE.

Followed by the completed projects of No. 4 sintering machine project into operation and the former processing equipment dismantled entirely, the project, our another super large sintering machine cooperated by Baosteel and CIE, enjoys a sintering area of 600 square meters and annual sinter of 7,330,000 ton. As seek to promote a clean and efficient production of sintering process and promote green manufacturing level and core competitiveness for comprehensively reforming sintering system, the key project will overall raise the energy conservation and emissions reduction level of Baosteel’ sintering process after its operation.