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320㎡ EPC engineering of sintering machine signed by CIE and Fujian Sanbao Steel

It was in January 2019 that 320㎡ EPC engineering of sintering machine, that is, replacement of ironmaking capacity, technological upgrading of supporting facilities, energy conservation and transformation of ultralow emission technology of Fujian Sanbao Iron and Steel, officially signed by CIE and Fujian Sanbao Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Sanbao Iron and Steel).

After near oneyear investigation and preparation to cooperate owners with several prioritization schemes, the EPC contract was finally signed by CIE and its owners.  During the process of project construction, CIE made the equipment level, production capacity of sintering oral, environmental quality, energy saving and emission reduction of sintering system of Sanbao Iron and Steel better based on a series of advanced technology and equipment, such as sintering with raised bed, ignition furnace and holding furnace with the type of double inclined belt and energy conservation, low loss transformer, circular cooler utilizing high temperature and waste heat, automation detection and control, etc.

It was CIE‘s first EPC project of sintering with private iron and steel enterprise in Fujian province. Based on this, CIE will set foot in and open up the private steel and metallurgy market in Fujian province with the significance of milestones.